23 June, 2014

A Pun (Word-Play) in a Name: Tre-Belle

Three stunning voices, three beautiful women, three best friends.

The name of this pop-opera trio is a very clever word-play, called a pun. A pun is a word (or words) with more than one meaning.

"The pun is a form of word play that suggests two or more meanings, by exploiting multiple meanings of words, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect." (Wikipedia

The meanings of TRE-BELLE are:
1. tre + belle = three + beautiful
2. treble = high musical notes
Therefore, the two meanings can be combined together to create the idea of "three beautiful women + high musical notes", which accurately describes them and what they do.

Generally, English speakers love a good pun. Personally, I think the name of this trio is very clever.

The middle belle in the photo above, Karyn Andreassend, is my step-sister!