25 April, 2014



 25 April is ANZAC Day.

ANZAC stands for Australian & New Zealand Army Corps.

This day commemorates all New Zealanders and Australians killed in war and peacekeeping duties and also honours returned servicemen and women.

The date 25 April commemorates the date of the (failed) campaign at Gallipoli in 1915, during World War I (1914-1918).

In New Zealand, the red poppy is the symbol of remembrance for ANZAC day, whereas in Australia, rosemary sprigs are worn. Red poppies are worn for Remembrance Day (11 November) in both countries.

Websites about ANZAC Day include:

NZ Ministry for Culture & Heritage: http://www.mch.govt.nz/nz-identity-heritage/anzacday

New Zealand History Online ANZAC Day Reading: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/classroom/anzac-day/anzac-day-social-studies-activities

New Zealand History Online ANZAC Day Quiz: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/classroom/anzac-day-quiz

Australian War Memorial Website: http://www.awm.gov.au/commemoration/anzac/

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anzac_Day

Interestingly, ANZAC biscuits, although bearing the same name, are not a food item especially for this holiday. They are eaten all year round! They were called ANZAC biscuits because they were sent to the soldiers fighting in WWI, by their families at home in NZ and Australia. The biscuits were popular because they did not easily perish, and lasted the length of the journey by sea to Europe.